Friday, April 17, 2009

Issue #2 Reflection

My strengths this issue was probably layout, because it was the second time we've done this and I'm actually getting a hang of it. I remember like presets and tabs and all these things without bothering Fernando too much. Further into that, I'm glad I got to experience doing the front page because there are a lot of things your not in control of. Like I remember I couldn't get a hand on the calendar, and the name plate, its very worry some.

However my weaknesses this issue would have to be my stories, I have trouble with interviews because I know I suck in front of people, amazingly im very shy. I could'nt get Brown Bags done as fast as I could of because it was very hard. I was busy, he was busy. And he didnt want to meet in person! I was sooo frustrated up to the point I was questioning whether to follow through or not. But I did and I learned now, not to give up soo easily.

This upcoming issue I plan to not procrastinate much, OBEY MY SCHEDULE, and not to care much about my personal life and just work to get things done. (WORK FIRST PARTY LATER)
I plan to work out my weaknesses by talking to people I dont usually talk to, Do stories about things the school doesnt know too well about (really reach out to those who need a voice).
I plan to incorporate my strengths by playing more with photoshop, and taking pictures in funky angles I really do want to show my artistic potential.


  1. Good goals. How will you make sure you keep it up? I like the picture ones and the goal about partying later.... AND the giving voice to the voiceless.

  2. WORK FIRST PARTY LATER???!!!! But. No and!!! NO!!! NO!!!! NO!!!! I like to party. That is all. Good Day Crazy Lady. also this is Shiloh. Now Good Day!!!

  3. BRAH! i know you not shy! i KNOW YOU NOT!
    u can frekin get on stage and recite one poem in front of a crowds of people you dont even know.. SO NO TRY KAY! brah! and and..
    my quote: "work hard first, party harder later"

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. How are you shy when you talk a lot to people; even the ones you don't even know?¡
